The term Upanishad is derived from upa
(near), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to
sit). In ancient Indian teaching system groups of pupils sit near the
teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. Upanishad means
brahma-knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed. In the Upanishads
the spiritual meanings of the Vedic texts are brought out and
emphasized in their own right. The Upanishads more clearly set forth the
prime Vedic doctrines. The Upanishads constitute what we call the
Vedanta (Veda-anta), the end of the Vedas, not merely because they
constitute the last part of them, but above all because they are their
ultimate teachings, reaching to the highest metaphysical state.
The older Upanishads are usually affixed to a particularly Veda, through a Brahmana or Aranyaka.
Some 350 Upnanishads are known to exist but
traditionally 108 Upanishads contained in the Muktikopanishad are
considered most important.
Read and download the following Upanishads
(1) Isha Vasya Upanishad
(English HTML)
(English Pdf)
(Sanskrit Pdf)
(3) Kena Upanishad
(English HTML)
(English Pdf)
(Sanskrit Pdf)
(4) Maitrayani
(English HTML)
(English Pdf)
(Sanskrit pdf)
Download all 108 Upanishads (Sanskrit)
Source : http://www.gatewayforindia.com/upanishad/upanishads.htm
In English : http://www.scribd.com/doc/49630991/108-Upanishads-With-PDF-Index
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